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Writer's pictureLinda Nygard

Changing the holiday into happiness

My last post addressed the fact that this time of year may not be the “joyous” time of year for many people.

For one, not all individuals celebrate holidays. Others live with stress from the expectations that the commercialism of society portrays. “Happy, Joy, Shop!”

This year, I decided that the holidays were going to arrive regardless of how I felt about them; and that I could change how I experienced them. I chose to live on in the spirit as my mother did.

I brought out some xmas decorations at the beginning of December. No sooner! I am one who takes my holidays one at a time! In my world Christmas comes AFTER Thanksgiving and not before!

I placed a few of my mothers Santas and small trees on my cabinet-top shrine. This year the pangs of sadness were replaced with warm feelings about the decor and xmas past.

Being the creative being that I am, I remembered I had a box of blank journals that I had decorated (with fabric and charms) may years ago. I decided it was time for me to share these creations with others; so first thing on Christmas Eve day I hauled my box of decorative books to my writers group.

The response I received when I presented the journals to my fellow writers was beyond what I expected. (Hello!?… Blank Journals…Writers…Duh!) They found them to be beautiful. (And a few felt that they should pay for them.) Their response was the greatest gift to me. Most everyone left that morning with at least one book and were happy for the gift.

Their joy was the greatest gift to me. It is true that we receive in the process of giving.

The morning helped to set me up for the rest of the day. I drove an hour to my sisters singing in my car and feeling happy. Being with my family for xmas eve was immensely enjoyable. I took pleasure in watching others open their gifts and even enjoyed opening mine. My favorite gift came from my sister. It was a book (of course). Elton Johns tell-all “Me”.

Last night I crawled into bed at the end of the night with warm-fuzzy-feelings and gratitude. And the crack of the spine of my brand new book.

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